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  • February New Members Night

February New Members Night

  • 14/02/2024
  • 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM
  • 848 Coatesville Riverhead Highway

Registration is closed

February New Members Night 

We invite new members to attend New Members Night to achieve final approval for their New Membership Application

This night is combined with our monthly Club Night, so we have a fun night with the usual BBQ venison sausage and a beer or two at the bar.

This month our guest speaker is Kane Turner who is a qualified First Responder, and he will be demonstrating how to control major/minor bleeding and gunshot wounds.

New Members are asked, if possible, to arrive at 6pm which gives us enough time to complete the application process and take payment on the Night.

There is also a short video introducing the Club and what we have to offer.

Look forward to seeing you there.

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