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  • Range Day 25 Jun 2023

Range Day 25 Jun 2023

  • 25/06/2023
  • 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Registration opens at 9:00 am in the club rooms.
Everyone must register for the main range, 25 m and air gun range.

25 m sighting in range opens at 9:30 am until midday

Airgun Section:  Metallic Silhouettes

Main Range

100m.  General Practice

Afternoon.  BBQ starts at 3:00 pm

100 m.

1:00 pmNSRS Centre Fire branch competition.

100m NSRS Centre Fire Competition Details

20 rounds required

Prone, 5 shots in 2 minutes

Sitting, 5 shots in 2 minutes

Kneeling, 5 shots in 2 minutes

Standing, snap, one shot per exposure of 4 seconds, repeated 5 times

Also General Practice on benches and unallocated lanes

BBQ Starts at 3:00 pm

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