May New Members Night
Where : 848 Coatesville Riverhead Highway
When : Wednesday 8th May
Time: 6pm till 7.00 pm
You have recently completed your new members application in our Wild Apricot App, and this is the formal invite to our next New Members Night.
As a new member you do need to complete an interview with one of our committee members, so we encourage you to arrive at 6pm when we also run a short power point presentation about our Club and what we have to offer.
We combine our New Members Night with our Club Night (7pm - 9.30 pm) so please feel free to stay and socialise with other members and meet some of our Committee Members.
You can also enjoy a beer and a BBQ sausage.
If you can please register in Wild Apricot if you are intending to attend.
We look forward to seeing you there.